May 9, 2024

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Signs New Election Laws

Georgia was one of several states that Trump lost that truly rocked the GOP.

Losing a battleground state is one thing, but to lose a forever red state in a presidential election is unforgivable.

Of course, this led to numerous election law changes to ensure the 2024 election was as tight as possible, and Governor Brian Kemp just signed that legislation into law.

Game On

I have never hidden the fact that I think it would take a monumental effort to rig a federal election.

Now, I am not saying it is impossible to do, especially knowing how corrupt our government is, but it would be difficult.

When it comes to local elections, that is where I make my stand on why “no widespread voter fraud” is an unacceptable term to me.

We have way too much technology at our disposal to see even a single fraudulent vote cast, especially when local elections can be won or lost by a dozen votes or fewer.

To that point, the one area that lends itself to voter fraud is in maintaining voter rolls, which is where I feel far too many states fall short.

This is the area that SB189 will address in Georgia, as it now states that “death, evidence of voting or registering in another jurisdiction, a tax exemption indicating a primary residence elsewhere, or a nonresidential address as probable causes for removing voters from the rolls.”

Fair Fight Action, a voting rights group founded by former Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, was livid over the legislation being signed into law.

The group stated, “By signing SB 189 to become law, Brian Kemp delivered a gift to MAGA election deniers.” Pretty rich coming from an organization founded by someone who never conceded her race and tells people that she still believes she won the governor's election.

Have you ever noticed that Democrat legislation for election “integrity” usually removes proof of identity in order to be able to vote or leaves the door open to voter fraud, while Republicans are expanding windows to vote while ensuring the person pulling the handle is, in fact, a registered voter?

Election integrity should be a bipartisan issue, which should tell you all you need to know about the Democrats' desire to ensure that every vote cast is legal.

Election integrity is like abortion and reparations for Democrats… they don’t want a solution to the problem because then they cannot use it to lure in voters during an election cycle.

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