June 7, 2024

George Clooney’s Wife Played Significant Role in ICC Charges Against Netanyahu

Later this month, George and Amal Clooney will be hosting a mega-fundraiser for Joe Biden, along with Julia Roberts and Barack Obama.

Amal Clooney has done significant work with the International Criminal Court, including the recent decision to charge and issue a warrant for the arrest of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes.

According to new reports, George Clooney dialed up the White House after the report went public to defend his wife’s work on the charges against Netanyahu.

My Wife is the Best

Amal Clooney is not a name we hear a lot, but make no mistake about it, this woman is an extremist who hates Israel and is about as far left as it gets.

I am sure her beliefs are why George Clooney has swung so far to the left since marrying her.

After the report was first issued, the White House openly pushed back on the charges as well as considering sanctions against the ICC.

Biden, at the time, stated, “The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous.

“And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”

That is when Clooney called his buddy Joe to discuss the matter. Especially since Amal worked on the report, those sanctions could have impacted her and her ability to live in the United States with George.

In a statement on the report, Amal Clooney wrote, “I do not accept that any conflict should be beyond the reach of the law, nor that any perpetrator should be above the law.

“So I support the historic step that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has taken to bring justice to victims of atrocities in Israel and Palestine.”

This week, the House voted to approve the sanctions against the ICC, so now it will be up to the Senate and Biden to pass and sign the legislation.

Here is the kicker, though… If this passes through the Senate, which is a big question mark, Biden then has to choose to sign bipartisan legislation or to veto it to protect a megadonor.

So far, both George and Amal Clooney are expected to be at the fundraiser, but that will obviously change based on what happens with this legislation.

Clooney, to this point, has not hinted that he would be backing out, which would be a disaster for Biden because Trump has been rallying in terms of fundraising, and Biden needs this event more than Clooney needs Biden.

There is trouble in uber-liberal paradise, my friends, and the sh** is about to hit the fan regardless of what Biden decides to do.

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