October 18, 2023

GOP Looking to Freeze Iran Money, Put Forth Aid for Israel

Even though the House is frozen right now, Republicans in the Senate are making moves to lock down Iran’s $6 billion that was freed up during the prisoner exchange that took place last month.

There have been rumors that the Biden administration made a backroom deal with Qatar to keep the money on lockdown, but the GOP wants to make it official.

Among those leading this effort is Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN).

Freeze It

Blackburn seems to be just as perplexed as I am as to why Biden seems intent on not upsetting Iran, especially after Iran threatened to attack Israel.

She stated, “It is perplexing why this administration refuses to issue a formal decision to freeze the $6 billion. We need to ensure not another dollar goes to Iran.”

Senator Jon Thune (R-S.D.) added, “The administration is at least backing away from that ill-advised move, but I think we need to make that, codify that, and put that into law.

"There will be an attempt to do that and get unanimous consent to permanently freeze that $6.6 billion that was going to be made available to Iran.”

Joe Biden headed to Israel on Wednesday for an expensive photo op with Netanyahu, but that also apparently came at a cost.

Biden reportedly made Israel promise that he would only come there to show solidarity for Israel if Netanyahu agreed on a humanitarian aid package for Palestine.

Blackburn stated, “We are learning that President Biden’s trip to Israel tomorrow was intentionally not announced until Secretary Blinken received assurances from Netanyahu on a humanitarian aid package for Palestine.

“The U.S. should not place conditions for our support for Israel because of demands made by the Squad.”

Now, we all know where any aid that winds up in Palestine will go right now, so that demand is utterly ridiculous.

As Blackburn stated, our support of Israel should be unconditional, not holding Netanyahu over a barrel to meet the demands of extremist, terrorist sympathizers in the Democrat Party.

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