October 26, 2023

Fox News Reporter Becomes Emotional Over Details Shared in Hamas Attack Confession

Fox News war correspondent Trey Yingst turned emotional on camera as he dealt with interrogation video of individuals involved in the Hamas terror attacks on Israel.

Yingst claimed he had to censor some parts of the footage that described inhumane actions toward Israelis.

“I do need to warn our viewers, what I am about to describe is incredibly graphic, but it gives new details on what took place two weeks ago,” Yingst said.

“He says commanders told them to step on the heads of civilians, to behead them and do whatever they felt like,” Yingst said. “He went on to talk about how Hamas and ISIS are being compared. The interrogator asked him about this comparison, and he agreed. He said, we burned, we slaughtered, and beheaded people."

"The terrorists described the tasks that they were ordered to carry out, which included taking over military posts near the Gaza-Israel border, massacring civilians in kibbutzs, and kidnapping the civilians they could control," the Daily Wire reported.

"Those who were able to kidnap civilians got financial rewards, including apartments and $10,000," it added.

The gathering of testimonies and evidence from terrorists involved in the attacks has helped provide information that has captured the world's attention toward Israel.

While some have supported a ceasefire or have even spoken out against Israel's response, the evidence reveals the depths of the attacks and the need to respond. The terror attacks killed 1,400 Israelis, making it the largest single attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

The video footage is difficult to watch but clearly shows a level of planning and evil that requires military action to keep future harm from coming to people in Israel from those affiliated with Hamas.

A planned Israeli military response is currently underway as the nation seeks to account for the recent killings.

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