January 15, 2024

Fox News Cancels MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell's Ads

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, facing millions in outstanding legal fees for spreading false claims about the 2020 election, revealed that Fox News has "canceled" MyPillow commercials, leaving him unable to advertise on the network until the bills are settled.

In a video posted on X, Lindell suggested that the cancellation might be due to Fox's reluctance to feature him leading up to the 2024 election or his show hiring Lou Dobbs, the former Fox Business host known for promoting baseless conspiracy theories about voter fraud.

Dobbs' show was terminated by Fox in February 2021 after settling a defamation lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems.

Lindell expressed his belief that the decision is an attempt to silence him on election-related topics.

Fox, however, described it as a business matter, stating they would resume advertising once the outstanding account is settled.

According to an unnamed source cited by The Washington Post, Lindell has not paid his advertising bills since August.

Despite Lindell claiming a $4 million payment for December ads, the source suggested that this payment covered commercials aired in June and July.

Lindell acknowledged owing Fox millions but insisted it was within his credit line.

Facing legal consequences for aligning himself with Trump's election claims, Lindell, like other conservative figures, has experienced financial setbacks due to the lawsuits against him.

With MyPillow ads suspended on Fox News, Lindell appealed for support during this period of "cancellation" in his video.

The move is the latest in a series of setbacks for Lindell following his strong pushback against 2020 election fraud claims that even included backing a controversial documentary on the topic. The decision could be a big one for MyPillow, now facing the loss of one of its main sources of advertising in recent years.

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