December 6, 2023

Former Virginia Election Official on Trial

Yet another election official has been accused of wrongdoing.

This time it is the former general registrar of Prince William County, VA.

Current officials have stated that while the official has been accused of altering election results, the actions taken did not impact the overall outcome of the election.

Here We Go Again

You guys know my stance on this…

It is very hard to alter a national election, but local elections are very susceptible to corruption, so this is something that must be fixed if Americans are going to have confidence in the outcome of these races, especially close calls.

To that point, Prince William County general registrar Michele White was indicted for two felony counts alleging corrupt conduct as an election official as well as making a false statement.

White has also been charged with a misdemeanor of willful neglect of duty by an election officer.

Some eyebrows were raised in 2021 when White resigned with no explanation.

When the charges were first announced, no details were given, but the court filings now have provided more insight as to what actually happened.

The AG’s office claimed, “White altered election results within the state reporting system, VERIS, and that her alterations resulted in the false reporting of the election results from Prince William County.”

Prince William County’s current general registrar, Eric Olsen, confirmed the charges, stating, "The former General Registrar for Prince William County, Michele White, has been charged with three criminal counts.

"She left her position in early 2021. Her conduct did not impact the outcome of any election contest."

Olsen went on to explain that a new leadership team is in place and improvements have already been made to help ensure this does not happen again.

This, in my opinion, is the right way to handle this. Find the problems, find those responsible, hold them accountable, own up to them, and fix the problems to ensure this is never repeated. This is literally all we have been asking for since this entire mess got started.

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