May 24, 2024

Former Trump Attorney Rips Judge for Delaying Documents Case

Former White House Attorney for the Trump administration, Ty Cobb, is apparently upset that the Trump classified documents case has not yet reached the courtroom.

Cobb blasted Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, for having delayed the case.

According to Cobb, she is “incompetent” and he sure sounds like he is accusing her of delaying this case on purpose to help Trump.


If you read my reports regularly, you know where I stand on this case… I believe this and the January 6 case, both brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith, held the most teeth in terms of being a real threat against Trump.

Do I think charges should have been brought against Trump on this? No… I think this easily could have been rectified, but the bottom line is that charges were brought.

I have also stated that I thought Trump’s defense team would be working to delay these cases until they would not impact the election. If Trump could do that, the likelihood of these cases seeing the inside of the courtroom is almost nil.

The classified documents case was headed to the courtroom, but Trump’s defense team filed a slew of motions, including tying presidential immunity to the case, which is when Cannon slammed the brakes on it and put the case on the back burner, which Cobb appears to think was her intent all along.

He stated, “I don’t think this case will move at all.

“And I think the fact that she’s scheduling hearings, multiple hearings, sort of one or two motions at a time, is compelling evidence of that. Most federal judges would have long ago ruled on all the pending motions.

“And frankly, this is a case that should’ve started trial yesterday or two days ago when the original trial date was set.

“This case could have easily gotten to trial. Only her incompetence and perceived bias has prevented that.”

If I am being honest, I think most of the criticism against Cannon is because she is a Trump-appointed judge.

For instance, Judge Chutkan delayed the election interference case months ago, and she has not been criticized for her actions.

Cannon, however, has every decision put under a microscope and faces constant attacks from Democrats, including Senator Coons (D-CT), who recently stated, “Justice deferred is often justice denied.

“It is profoundly frustrating that the judge is managing this case in a way that is making it highly unlikely that it will be resolved in a timely fashion.”

Notice how he has never said anything about the attempted delays by the Hunter Biden defense team, though.

Cannon has made it clear that she wants to hear the ruling by the Supreme Court before moving forward as well as several issues that have arisen. Judge Chutkan has used the same reasoning in delaying her case.

So, why is only Judge Cannon being attacked? I think we all know the answer to that question.

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