February 9, 2024

Former Trump Aide Ordered to Jail

Migrants can attack police officers in public, with video evidence, yet they are released without bail back onto the street.

That is not the case for a former aide for Donald Trump.

Peter Navarro, a former White House aide during the Trump administration, has been ordered to prison to begin to serve a four-month sentence.

Get to Jail

Navarro is not getting the benefit of most defendants for a non-violent crime.

Navarro is appealing the guilty verdict on the two counts of criminal contempt of Congress.

He was hoping to remain free while the appeals play out, but the court has ordered him to jail to start serving his sentence.

U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta denied Navarro’s motion, saying that none of his arguments pose a “substantial question of law,” and therefore, he will be unable to delay his reporting date to the Bureau of Prisons.

Navarro has not actually yet received a reporting date.

While Navarro’s attorneys declined to comment on the ruling, he is expected to appeal the decision.

The oddity here is that Navarro is facing similar charges to that of Steve Bannon, another White House adviser during the Trump administration.

Bannon was also convicted and sentenced in October 2022, but he has been allowed to remain free while his appeals play out.

When you consider that Bannon’s case is now 15 months past the verdict, if Navarro’s report date is anytime soon, he could possibly find himself in a position where he serves his entire sentence, then wins the case on appeal having already fulfilled the sentencing requirements.

Navarro was found guilty after refusing to speak to a congressional committee regarding his role in “the Green Bay Sweep.”

This was an operation put together in an attempt to have Trump operatives contest ballots in swing states where Biden was declared the winner.

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