December 15, 2023

Former Obama Adviser David Axelrod Says Biden Poll Numbers “Very, very dark”

While most Democrats are covering for Joe Biden and dismissing his horrific polling numbers, former Obama adviser David Axelrod is being painfully truthful about the matter.

Axelrod has been ringing the bell, even suggesting that Biden needs to step down if Democrats are going to be able to hold the White House in 2024.

He continues to point to Biden’s horrible polling, saying it looks “very, very dark” for his re-election hopes.

Bad News for Joe

When Axelrod was working in the Biden administration, there were rumors that Joe Biden and Axelrod did not exactly get along.

Biden has used this to throw shade on Axelrod’s comments, but the fact is that Axelrod has only been using recent polling and the overall perception of this administration.

The most recent polling has Biden’s approval rating at a record low of 37%, which has Axelrod very concerned about his chances of being re-elected.

In addition to Biden’s low approval numbers, he is now trailing Donald Trump in the Morning Consult Poll (43-41), Rasmussen Reports (40-32), and Ipsos (36-31). Trump is also beating Biden in all the key battleground states he lost in 2020.

On the polling and outlook, Axelrod stated, "Job approval down, ratings generally down, most of the comparatives with Trump not good.

"What I worry about, you guys, from a Biden standpoint, is these are the kinds of things you get when people are starting to rationalize their votes.

"And they just put out another photo op with the ‘Bidenomics’ sign next to him…it’s just unbelievable to me.”

In current polling, there is only one issue where Biden beats Trump, and it is a big one in this country, being abortion.

Democrats used abortion to beat Republicans in 2022, so it makes sense that they will once again bring it to the forefront for this election. The good news for Republicans is that Donald Trump has not taken the approach that abortion should be banned, preferring to leave the issue up to individual states.

Keep in mind, as good as Trump is doing in both primary and general election polling right now, these numbers go into the toilet if Trump is convicted of a felony, with most polling showing that he loses about half his support.

Unfortunately for voters, in the cases where Trump could face a felony conviction, those cases will not be decided until after the primary election is over.

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