January 1, 2024

Former Obama Adviser Believes Removing Trump from Ballot a Mistake

One of the most honest Democrats during this election cycle has been former Barack Obama adviser David Axelrod.

Axelrod drew some harsh comments from Joe Biden for calling out Biden’s bad polling numbers and calling for Biden to hand off the election to a younger Democrat.

Now he is calling out the efforts to have Trump removed from the ballot, believing it would only create more divide in the country.

The Wrong Thing to Do

Axelrod is among those who believe the best way to beat Trump and remove him from the picture is to beat him in an election, not have him removed from the ballot.

When asked about the efforts to remove Trump from the ballot, he stated, "I have very, very strong reservations about all of this.

"I do think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running because tens of millions of people want to vote for him."

Axelrod also fed off something that former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had stated, believing that all these lawsuits and now the ballot removal have turned Trump into a martyr in the eyes of voters.

Axelrod stated, "What you thought might be kryptonite for him has turned out to be battery packs, and this is a big one for him.

"I think if you're going to beat Donald Trump, you're going to probably have to do it at the polls."

Right now, Democrats fear that the Supreme Court will overturn the Maine and Colorado decisions, feeding Trump’s campaign even more energy, but there are still other legal and constitutional obstacles for Trump to clear.

The biggest right now is the courts deciding if Trump has presidential immunity for January 6, which will ride on how his actions that day are perceived by the court.

If they rule that Trump was merely raising concerns about possible corruption in the election, he would wind up being immune. But if they rule that Trump was campaigning that day, he would lose presidential immunity protections.

And, if Trump gets convicted, polling cuts his support in the general election significantly, which would basically hand Democrats the White House again in 2024, and likely result in them expanding their lead in the Senate and taking the House back, which would be a complete and utter disaster for conservatives.

Right now, the only thing blocking Biden from putting his agenda fully in place is the Republicans controlling the House. If we lose that, Biden gets at least two years of Democrat-controlled Congress to pass whatever he wants.

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