March 21, 2024

Former NBC Executive Says Barron Trump is Now ‘Fair Game’

For some reason, liberals and the leftist media have this obsession with Barron Trump and the need to attack the kid.

He recently turned 18, which turned out to be a big deal for Mike Sington, a retired NBCUniversal senior executive turned liberal influencer.

Sington declared Barron “fair game,” and this did not go over too well with conservatives.

No Reason…

So, my personal rule on reporting on political children is that I leave them alone until they pick a fight.

For instance, Barack Obama’s children have never jumped into the political arena, so they are off-limits to me personally.

On the other hand, Hunter Biden’s daughter has been spouting off at the mouth on social media, so she is open to criticism on her point of view.

On our side of the aisle, Donald Jr. and Eric Trump are politically active, so they open themselves up to attacks from the left.

Ivanka was a fair target for the media when she was working for Trump, but she has since stepped back, so she should be left alone.

Barron Trump just turned 18, and the fact that he has never uttered a word about politics meant little to Sington, who posted, "Barron Trump turns 18 today. He’s fair game now.”

It is as though he has been lurking in the shrubs waiting for Barron’s 18th birthday so he can attack the kid.

Sington got shredded for it, especially by those who took his meaning that Barron could be physically attacked since he had turned 18.

Sington finally responded to the pushback, stating, "I posted he was 'fair game' now, meaning, as an adult, he's 'fair game' for criticism from the press.

"Someone pointed out to me 'fair game' could mean fair game to be harmed. I don't wish physical harm on anyone, so I took it down. I listen to the comments and criticism I receive."

My general rule is leave them out of the conversation unless they jump in first, then you can hit back.

Until then, left or right, the kids should be off limits to anyone writing about politics.

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