April 1, 2024

Former Judge Recommends Jail Time for Trump for Gag Order Violation

Donald Trump has been hit with yet another gag order, which should not be surprising considering the previous gag orders that were placed against Trump.

After the gag order was announced, Donald Trump, predictably, ranted on Truth Social, making comments that were, at the very least, borderline violations of the gag order.

How Judge Merchan will treat Trump’s statements has his supporters on edge, and their stomachs are clearly turning after hearing what a former California judge recommended for any gag order violations by Trump.

Send Him to Jail

After Merchan placed the gag order, Trump went off on Truth Social.

In part of the rant, Trump criticized a social media account that appeared to be attributed to Judge Merchan’s daughter.

A report later surfaced, however, that the account in question had been abandoned by his daughter and taken over by someone else.

Trump’s comments were analyzed by several legal experts, and why they were clearly borderline, most believe that Trump had not yet “technically” violated the order.

That did not stop former California Superior Court Judge LaDoris Cordell from being very critical of Trump’s comments, however.

Cordell stated, “There has to be an immediate consequence when he defies a court order.

“When he steps across that gag order line, and I do hope it will be expanded, there should be only one response: Bring your toothbrush, Donald Trump, because you’re going to sit in a jail cell for a while.

“That is a normal response. You cannot have a court system that is subjected to these kinds of threats and intimidation.”

Cordell concluded, “Nowhere else has this ever happened and gone without any consequences. And that has to change, and it has to change now.”

The gag order, in its current state, is limited in scope, but that could change after Merchan sees Trump’s latest rant.

Cordell explained, “In this instance, the gag order, if it’s expanded … so far, he has not violated that gag order, although he’s tiptoeing very close to the line.

“But I think now it’s starting to sink in to these judges that their lives, their family members, are all at stake here in terms of the threats of violence and intimidation. So there’s nothing left for them to do other than to go the next step.

“And I don’t know what the mystique or magic is about not putting Donald Trump in a jail cell so that he understands there are immediate consequences for not behaving as a normal adult in the courtroom.”

That is a rather extreme solution to the problem, as Trump would likely first face a warning, then at least a fine or two for future violations before being sent to prison.

That was how Judge Engoron treated Trump’s violations in the previous case where a gag order was present, so I don’t see any deviation from that regardless of how these pundits believe this should play out.

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