January 16, 2024

Former Biden Aide Symone Sanders Rips Biden Campaign Message

Get ready for a name from the past… Symone Sanders.

Sanders once worked for Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), then defected to Kamala Harris’ campaign, eventually working as an aide for Joe Biden.

According to Sanders, the Biden campaign needs to back off the hard sell of Bidenomics to the American people.

Stop It, Joe

When Biden was first hit with the Bidenomics nickname for his economic agenda, he embraced it rather than letting it die out.

It got to the point that Biden even had signs made up with the Bidenomics slogan on it.

Sanders believes this is all a mistake, stating, "They are not going to get ‘Bidenomics.’ Let it go. How about you just make sure they know what you’re going to do and what you did? … You can give folks all the numbers about GDP and all these other things, but the data doesn’t move people. Stories move people.”

Sanders stated that Biden was being handcuffed from doing what she believes Joe does best, telling people stories.

She added, "You haven’t seen him do what he can do [best]. He’s been on prompter, he’s been standing on stages looking very presidential with the flags behind him. He gives his speech and he gets out.

“When was the last time you saw Joe Biden do a rope line? When’s the last time you saw Joe Biden in a town hall taking questions from the American people?"

Let me just say this…

Sanders helped run not one but two failed presidential campaigns.

And while I agree people are not getting the whole Bidenomics thing, telling Joe to go out and speak off the cuff is the last thing that Biden should be doing

When he does that, he lies, stammers, and has brain freezes.

On second thought, Symone, that is great advice! Let’s unleash Joe on the American people and see how he does speaking off the cuff!

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