October 30, 2023

Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal Believes Trump Arrest Imminent

As most of you know, Donald Trump now has two gag orders.

The first was issued by Judge Engoron in the New York fraud case brought by Attorney General Letitia James.

The second is in the January 6 case brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith, but that order has been stayed while the appeal plays out.

Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal believes that Trump will continue to violate these gag orders, which will eventually land him in jail.

Won’t Stop Talking

Trump has clearly been pushing the line in the fraud case, almost daring Engoron to put him in jail.

After the latest violation, Engoron put Trump on notice that future violations would result in much stiffer penalties, and this could include being sent to jail.

Katyal discussed this with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who is now a paid talking head on MSNBC.

He stated, “I think Donald Trump has made the best case of anyone. He is witnessing for why you need the gag order in effect. Because the moment that gag order was put on pause, he started developing and attacking people left and right.

“So, I think that there is no doubt in my mind that there will be a gag order imposed on Donald Trump. And there also is no doubt in my mind that he is going to violate it repeatedly. Repeatedly to the point where a judge is going to have to confront the ultimate question, are we going to put the former president in jail? and I think there is only one answer to that.”

When Psaki asked him what that answer was, he continued on, “Which is you have to. If he continues this behavior, no other litigant in this country would ever be able to do what he is doing.

“Judges, I don’t care what your politics are, the one thing you understand when you put out that robe is that it is about the legitimacy of the court and about the judicial process.”

Some, including myself, believe that Trump actually wants to get arrested to help drive fundraising.

His donors have always responded well to Trump’s legal problems, and Trump’s campaign is reportedly hurting for money, so don’t be surprised if you see Trump continue to poke the bear to push Engoron over the edge.

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