November 3, 2023

Florida Senator Chooses Trump Over DeSantis in 2024

Yet another high-profile Florida Republican has endorsed Donald Trump over Ron DeSantis for the 2024 presidential election.

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) has announced that he is going to back Donald Trump.

This is not exactly a surprise, as Scott is a big part of the MAGA movement, but it is news due to DeSantis losing the support of yet another Florida politician.

Sorry, Ron

The media is making this a big deal, but anyone who has followed Scott’s career knows that he is aligned with Trump.

There is no way Scott would cross over for fear of Trump singling him out and unleashing his venom on Scott.

Remember, Scott was Trump’s guy to try to dethrone Senator McConnell (R-KY) from his leadership role in the Senate.

DeSantis communications director Andrew Romeo responded to the news by saying that DeSantis "has more endorsements from state legislators than the former president in Iowa (41), New Hampshire (62), and South Carolina (16).

"He also has the support of almost all Florida elected officials because he worked with them to deliver historic results for the conservative movement. The governor will win his home state because Floridians want to see a fighter who will bring the same type of results-oriented leadership to Washington that he has provided in the Sunshine State.”

This comes after news broke that roughly 10 state politicians are going to switch their endorsement from DeSantis to Trump next week.

That is expected to come after the debate, where Trump has scheduled a big event at Mar-a-Lago the following day.

This is a strategic move by Trump to ensure that DeSantis does not gain too much momentum from the debate if he has a strong showing.

Personally, I don’t think these endorsements are worth all that much for either politician.

If you were a DeSantis supporter, the thoughts of Senator Scott are not going to change your mind, and if you are a Trump supporter, someone choosing DeSantis is not going to make you budge either.

This is all for headlines, but the news cycle is not a good one for DeSantis, and that is what Trump is really trying to accomplish here.

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