October 20, 2023

Iowa AG Brenna Bird: Trump Can Fire Joe Biden

The campaign rhetoric was flying in Iowa this week, with Trump hitting the campaign trail and getting the full endorsement of Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird.

Bird introduced Trump to the crowd.

And it would appear that she had some WWE training because she hyped him up pretty good in her intro.

The Man

Bird was interviewed by Breitbart after the rally, and she explained why she is endorsing Trump over the other potential GOP candidates.

She stated that she believes Trump “is the one who can fire Biden and win our country back.”

She continued, “He led the economy. He secured our southern border. He fought for Iowa farmers, and he kept America strong in the world. Those are all issues that I hear about from the grassroots in Iowa, and that’s a sharp contrast to Biden’s failed leadership.”

She finished, “I’m supporting him because I think at a time like this, especially when we see the terrorism against Israel, we need a strong leader, and we all need to unite behind President Trump, who will defeat Biden and who will lead our country and get our country back, quite frankly.”

Bird took some heat for endorsing Trump, as other candidates are polling fairly well in the state.

As an AG, there could also be professional repercussions for misreading the legal issues Trump has if he winds up being convicted, so this endorsement is a pretty big deal.

Trump is still leading the pack, but Haley and DeSantis collectively are almost at 30%, and Trump has slipped below 50% in the state.

Unlike most years, I am putting a lot of weight on Iowa this year, especially if DeSantis and Haley join forces.

I firmly believe Trump will head into South Carolina with the lead, but I am just wondering how much.

As we get closer to caucusing and handles being pulled, Trump's legal issues will start to come to fruition one way or another, and the question remains just how much damage will be done if Trump gets hit with a guilty verdict?


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