May 13, 2024

Fetterman’s Israel Stance Hurting Dems in PA

Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) continues to hurt the Democrat Party.

The latest being the GOP using Fetterman’s pro-Israel stance to hurt Senator Bob Casey (D-PA).

The GOP has started to attack Casey, using Fetterman’s stance to prove how weak Casey is on the Israel front.

Bob is Weak

Pennsylvania will be a key state in the upcoming presidential election, but the GOP has other thoughts as well.

Casey’s last election was a mere formality, beating his Republican opponent 55.7-42.6%.

That will not be the case this year, as Casey is in a war with David McCormick, the GOP candidate in this year’s Senate race.

Casey has been unable to get separation, with his biggest lead in recent polling no more than six points.

If the GOP could flip this seat, it would make up for Fetterman beating Dr. Oz in the last election.

Fetterman has gone against much of the Democrat Party in offering unchallenged support for Israel, even at the cost of upsetting some of his liberal supporters.

Democrats are using that stance to take shots at Casey to help McCormick in this race.

For instance, Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) stated, “I applaud the moral clarity that Sen. Fetterman has as it relates to the antisemitism, the hate for Jews, that we’re seeing spread across campuses, his moral clarity on condemning what Joe Biden is doing.

“It’s a refreshing contrast to virtually every other Democrat right now, including Sen. Casey.”

Daines later added, “Silence is complicity, and this is a time for a full-throated condemnation.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re Republican or Democrat, as evidenced by Sen. Fetterman. He’s not afraid to speak up, and he’s on the right side of history.”

I love this line of attack… compliment one Democrat to show the weakness of another.

It will also give voters the impression that Fetterman is someone willing to work with Republicans, and someone like McCormick will be someone who can work with Democrats.

This is a great strategy to use in a purple state and I cannot wait to see the next round of polling to see if it was effective or not.

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