March 23, 2024

Fetterman Says Biden Admin Is LYING

President Joe Biden has repeated the assertion that says 30,000 Palestinians have died as a result of the Israel-Hamas war.

Now, Democratic Senator John Fetterman, a member of Joe Biden’s own party is FED UP with the way the war is being handled.

According to Fetterman, is that the number repeated by Biden accounts for the TERRORISTS who refuse to stop.

Biden seems to have missed that part!

Fetterman has provided a statement on his thoughts on the matter during a recent Fox News Channel interview.

“I was very disappointed that our caucus wasn’t — we didn’t have the opportunity to do that. I really wanted to hear from Netanyahu. In fact, I even asked the Republicans — back channels, just like, hey, can I just sit there? And I don’t even have to [ask] any questions,” Fetterman said.

Fetterman was only getting started.

“And I’ve always been incredibly surprised why we’re not talking about where this was because of Hamas and the things that they’ve done and that why [isn’t there] a protest kind of a surge to demand that Hamas [surrender] on this,” the senator continued.

Fetterman made sure to drive a big point home – if the Hamas would free their kidnapped victims and GIVE UP, the war would be over!

Hamas has the option to stop the madness at any moment it chooses, but that is not what its leaders want.

“If you really want to end all the — just the misery and the death and the destruction, if they would just surrender, and it would end tomorrow, release everybody, send them home. And that’s been very frustrating,” Fetterman continued in his interview.

No matter how you feel about Fetterman’s political stance, you have to admit he is asking the right questions.

If the Hamas would surrender, the war would be over.

To read more details about this story, click on the original source here.

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