January 29, 2024

Feds Forced to Jump into Action in DC Amid Rising Crime

One would think our nation’s capital city would be a bastion of law and order, but that is hardly the case.

D.C. has been overridden with crime, to the point that the feds are now taking an interest.

With violent crime on a massive upward trend, more federal resources are being sent to D.C. in an effort to curb crime and get a political win for Biden and Democrats.

A Band-Aid

This is not a new problem in D.C., and it surely is not a new problem in Democrat-run cities.

Nor is the idea of a Democrat president throwing a band-aid on a situation solely to score some political points before the election.

That appears to be what we are seeing take place to both save Biden’s delegates in D.C., as well as its Democrat mayor being able to save face.

Violent crime has spiked again in D.C., with homicides going up 35% over the last year, and robberies going up by 67%.

So, Attorney General Merrick Garland has agreed to send more federal resources in an attempt to clean up this mess.

Garland stated, “We saw an encouraging decline in violent crime in many parts of the country, but there is much more work to do, including here in the District of Columbia.

“This surge in law enforcement resources will build on the Department’s efforts to target the individuals and organizations that are driving violent crime in the nation’s capital. The Justice Department will not rest until every community in our country is safe from the scourge of violent crime.”

Do you know where you saw the declines? In cities that woke up to the idea that defunding the police was a good idea.

Let’s look at Dallas, TX, as an example.

You had a Democrat mayor who was elected and bought into all of the major talking points of the party, with a DA that decided crimes under $500 were going to get a walk.

After seeing the city spiral early in his term, Mayor Johnson announced that he was going the other way, giving the police what they needed and going to be harder on crime.

As a result, Dallas' violent crimes started to go down, police morale is on the way back up, and Johnson has since announced that he moved over to the Republican Party.

This is far from just a problem in D.C., as we have seen criminals take over the streets in major cities like Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, and San Francisco, just to name a few.

Thieves are walking into stores, filling up bags, and walking right back out. Rioters and looters have gone unpunished while pro-life protesters have the FBI show up at their house in force.

So, now the federal taxpayers are being called out to bail out another Democrat city, this time D.C.

This is one case where I do not mind seeing federal money spent, but my problem is that, as we all know, this is and will not be a permanent fix.

The moment the election is over, everything will go back to normal, so this is just Biden spending our tax dollars to help Democrat campaigns.

It is lipstick on a pig, nothing more.

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