March 16, 2024

Federal Court Puts Block On SEC Climate Disclosure Rule

President Joe Biden is likely FUMING over the latest obstacle erected by a federal court.

A new administration rule would make it mandatory for any company that is publicly traded to come clean about their climate change data and details.

However, that rule has been BLOCKED temporarily.

Judges Edith Jones, Stephen Higginson and Cory Wilson all put the brakes on the rule without providing any reason as to why.

The lack of information surrounding the "why" is likely driving President Joe Biden insane.

Recently, Biden has received rejection after rejection when it comes to his last-minute policies he is trying to put in place.

Receiving yet another block has to be extremely defeating.

While we do not know the true reason for the court's decision, there were several lawsuits from big companies furious about the new rule from the Biden administration that could have led to it all.

While the block does not necessarily mean the rule will be thrown out altogether, things are definitely not looking good for Biden.

If we know anything about Biden, it is that he loves to go on rage-filled rants.

It is easy to imagine Joe Biden receiving the news and having a meltdown like he has done so many other times.

Most recently, he went on a rant about how furious he was that Special Counsel Robert Hur had the nerve to bring up his son’s death during Hur’s investigation into the status of Biden’s mental health.

Unfortunately for Biden, Hur never actually raised the topic of Beau Biden -- Joe Biden did that all on his own! He just did not remember.

At the end of the day, America needs someone who can make policies that BENEFIT the people of this country.

Joe Biden’s policies are not working for America, his mind is slipping, and it is shows.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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