June 10, 2024

Fani Willis received donation from lawyer convicted of $15 MILLION fraud

Just when we thought Fani Willis couldn't be proven to be anymore corrupt, that's exactly what's just happened.

New reports are detailing Willis' relationship with former Atlanta city attorney Shelitha Robertson, which included taking donations from Robertson to go toward Fani Willis' primary election campaign.

In case being associated with Fani Willis wasn't a bad enough mark against Robertson's character, Shelitha has recently found herself in major hot water over other unethical actions as well.

Robertson has been sentenced to seven years in prison after she was convicted of a massive $15 MILLION pandemic loan fraud.

Robertson illegally applied for and received the loan, which she then used to live out her wildest fantasies, such as buying a massive diamond ring, buying a Rolls Royce, and donating to Fani Willis to help her get elected.

Georgia campaign filings show that Fani Willis received the donation either right after or around the time that Robertson received the funds.

America's Department of Justice recently revealed some of the details regarding the conviction of Robertson for the $15 million loan fraud.

Robertson "fraudulently applied for millions of dollars in government loans for four businesses she owned."

"The loan applications falsely inflated the number of employees and average monthly payroll for each of the four businesses, resulting in larger PPP loans than Robertson would be legitimately entitled to obtain," the Department of Justice reported.

Robertson apparently also filed fake tax documents to support the loan applications.

It's really sick how much work liberals will go through to not have to work.

America has known that Fani Willis is corrupt ever since it was exposed that she had hired her married lover, Nathan Wade, to be the man in charge of leading the prosecution against Donald Trump.

It's safe to say that this newly uncovered association with somebody as despicable as Robertson is definitely NOT going to help Willis' credibility.

If Trump is lucky, it will actually do the exact opposite.

To learn more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source here.

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