March 10, 2024

Fani Willis Met With Kamala Harris During Time She Said She Didn't

Well, well, well.

Democrats currently find themselves in a bit of a pickle.

Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney who is responsible for indicting Donald Trump in Georgia, has just been exposed as a bona fide liar.

Not only that, one of the most prominent liberals in the world has been implicated in her scheme as well: Vice President Kamala Harris.

New records have been released recently indicating that Willis held a secret meeting with Harris at the White House during a time period in which the D.A. had previously indicated she had had NO contact with White House officials.

It's almost too perfect for conservatives that the person Willis was lying about meeting is one of our most despised: Cacklin' Kamala Harris.

In case you're not familiar with this situation, the reason why it's such a big deal that Willis was meeting with Harris is because it proves that there may very well have been a web of corruption behind Trump's indictment in Fulton County.

Willis meeting with one of the leaders of Trump's opposition in a case that wasn't supposed to be influenced in such a way is a very big deal.

The meeting happening at the time it did implies that Willis would have received special instruction about how to hinder Trump in a way that would be most beneficial to the people currently in the White House.

We already know Willis is a corrupt liar.

She appointed the married man with whom she was having an affair to be part of the team that prosecutes Trump.

As if that wasn't bad enough, it's now been revealed that she was meeting with Kamala Harris when she shouldn't have been?

You can smell the corruption from here.

Let me tell you, it STINKS.

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Is Kamala Harris corrupt?

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