February 19, 2024

Ezra Klein: Dems Have Better Options Than Biden

It seems as though every time Joe Biden opens his mouth these days, he gives the rumor that Dems will remove him from the ballot more juice.

It happened again last week, with Joe Biden commenting, or trying to comment on, Donald Trump’s NATO comments.

In the middle of his speech, Joe Biden just blanked for what seemed like an eternity, making many people blow up social media with the same question… is this the best we have?

Replacing Joe

On a recent episode of “The Ezra Klein Show,” Klein offered a pat on the back to Biden, but he also stated that he believes it is time for Biden to step aside.

On the former, Klein stated, “But instead of making them bend the knee, instead of acting as a victor, Biden acted as a leader. He partnered with Bernie Sanders. He built the unity task forces.

“He integrated Warren’s and Sanders’s ideas and staff into not just his campaign but also his administration.”

Klein goes on to say that while Biden has had some good moments, they are often undermined by slips he is making “all too often.”

There is no question that Biden’s age has had an impact on the perception of Biden during this presidency, and it has become a hot topic among voters, with the overwhelming majority of voters now wanting an option over Biden.

I laugh at this polling because while, on one hand, voters are asking for an alternative, they had one in Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), and he is being blatantly ignored in primary races.

Moving forward, Biden skipped, again, the Super Bowl interview that has become a tradition for the sitting president.

Most pundits believe it was because Biden would have been asked about the special counsel report, and he just wants that to go away.

Klein goes on to say that while Biden advocates are calling for more of Biden on the campaign trail, the danger of that is the more Biden works, the more mistakes he makes, and the slower he appears.

Klein concludes, “So yes, I think Biden, as painful as this is, should find his way to stepping down as a hero. That the party should help him find his way to that, to being the thing he said he would be in 2020, the bridge to the next generation of Democrats.

“And then I think Democrats should meet in August at the convention to do what political parties have done there before: organize victory.”

If that happens, the obvious question is who do they choose to take on Trump? Forget about Michelle Obama, as she has made it clear she wants nothing to do with politics or the White House.

Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, or is there another name that could compete in a presidential election?

You guys know my take… for better or worse, they have their horse, even though their horse is not even worthy of working at a petting zoo.

Dems have backed themselves into a corner to the point that even if they do replace Biden, the move could backfire on them. It’s Joe or bust, so now all their hopes are for a Trump felony conviction, as that appears to be the only way Biden can beat Trump in 2024.

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