February 21, 2024

Ex-Obama CIA Chief Donating to Nikki Haley's Campaign

Michael Morell, the former CIA director during the Obama administration, contributed $1,000 to former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley's presidential campaign in November, according to campaign filings.

Morell gained notoriety in the political arena after orchestrating a letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials, which falsely asserted that reports by the New York Post regarding Hunter Biden's laptop appeared to be Russian disinformation. This assertion was later debunked by a report from the House Judiciary Committee.

Despite the revelation that Morell's claim was false, it took over a year for the mainstream media to acknowledge the inaccuracies, including The Washington Post admitting the authenticity of communications found on Hunter's laptop after not pursuing the story for 532 days.

CNN also conceded the authenticity of Hunter's laptop 532 days after the initial report in October 2020. The New York Times acknowledged that the emails from Hunter's laptop were genuine after nearly two years.

Polling data indicates that 71 percent of Americans believe accurate reporting on Hunter's laptop could have influenced the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

Morell has now thrown his support behind Haley's 2024 presidential bid. Haley's stance on various issues, including foreign policy, free speech, government spending, and social policies, diverges from the America First agenda.

She advocates for social media users to be verified by their real names. Haley also supports using American taxpayer funds to defend Ukraine's eastern border.

Haley continues to oppose government intervention in parental decisions regarding irreversible medical procedures for transgender individuals. The former South Carolina governor also favors importing migrant workers for jobs that could otherwise be filled by higher-paid Americans.

During the Republican presidential primary race, candidates spent over $167 million in failed attempts to defeat Donald Trump in New Hampshire and Iowa, while Trump spent significantly less, at $34.1 million.

Records from the Federal Election Commission indicate that Haley has garnered support from numerous former high-ranking intelligence and national security officials who seek an alternative to Trump in the GOP primary.

Among them is Doug Feith, a former undersecretary for defense policy in the Bush administration, who played a significant role in promoting the narrative of Saddam Hussein's possession of weapons of mass destruction, a justification for the Iraq War.

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