April 2, 2024

Ex-CENTCOM Commander: ISIS Threat Becoming More Serious

Former U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Gen. Frank McKenzie is slamming Joe Biden’s policies right now regarding the ISIS threat.

When Trump was in office, he claimed that he had ended ISIS, but the terror organization is once again becoming a serious threat.

Recent reports show that officials believe ISIS could mount a serious attack against the United States within the next six months, an assessment which McKenzie agrees.

Spot On

McKenzie was being asked about a recent statement by his successor, General Michael Kurilla.

He was being interviewed by ABC News host Marth Raddatz while appearing on “This Week.”

Raddatz asked, “General, your CENTCOM successor, General Michael Kurilla, said just days before the Moscow attack that ISIS-K, quote, ‘retains the capability and will to attack U.S. and Western interests abroad in as little as six months and with little or no warning.’

“What is your confidence in that intelligence?”

McKenzie responded, “I think General Kurilla is spot on with that assessment.

“Here’s the problem. Again, we go back to ISIS-K. If you can keep pressure on them that they’re in their homeland and their base, it makes it hard for them to conduct these types of attacks.

“Unfortunately, we no longer place that pressure on them, so they’re free to gain strength, they’re free to plan, they’re free to coordinate and to outreach that hit us in our homelands.

“So, you might as well be playing an away game than a home game. We’ve chosen to play a home game.”

When McKenzie was asked if the situation would be different had Biden not conducted his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, he responded, “Leaving 2,500 troops, along with our NATO partners, who would have left 4,000 or 5,000 troops, we would have been able to continue to work against ISIS, which was the principal reason we’re in Afghanistan, to prevent attacks in our homeland.

“I think we might be in a different place now. I think we might actually be safer than we are.”

McKenzie went on to say that ISIS is looking for an opportunity to strike in our country, believing that desire grew stronger after the United States completely left Afghanistan, now offering very little window to assess the threat from that country, which has since become an amusement park of sorts for terrorist organizations.

You can see the full segment below…

I tend to agree with McKenzie on this one, as I firmly believe that Biden blew the Afghanistan withdrawal and his weak front has encouraged terrorists and our enemies to get very aggressive in the process.

We surely cannot say for sure that Russia and Hamas would not have done any of this had Trump or someone else been in office, but I would bet dollars to donuts that most of us believe that to be the case.

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