February 22, 2024

Environmental Documents Leaked Regarding Biden’s Green Agenda

Breitbart has just gotten its hands on documents from a top environmental group that is in cahoots with the Biden administration.

The document was prepared for American Clean Power Association (ACP) board members, and it is titled “February 2024 Board Memo.”

It outlines how Democrats will put pressure on the Republican Party to support Biden’s aggressive green agenda.

Squeeze Them

The concentration of the report is on getting Republicans to help block the appeal of Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

When the legislation was initially presented, it was done so as a way to lower inflation, but that was not the true purpose of the bill.

In reality, this was a bill to allow Biden more spending, specifically to promote his green agenda.

ACP has deep pockets and it plans on using that money to fight Republicans on reversing IRA.

For instance, one portion of the document stated, “Given the mounting reserves, ACP’s strong financial position, and the critical challenges we face in 2024, staff was encouraged to develop options for additional one-time investments the Board could consider at the February Board meeting.”

The document continues, “Based on this request, the staff is proposing to spend $7M for a surge campaign, with $5M from ACP’s reserve funds to help implement and insulate the IRA from repeal or harmful revision.

“The Finance Committee reaffirms that ACP’s financial position enables this level of expenditure in 2024.”

Tom Pyle of the American Energy Alliance says the report confirmed the biggest worries of conservatives on this front, and that is that green energy cannot move forward unless the government is funding it.

Pyle stated, “It’s clear from the strategy that their dependence on these subsidies is critical to their future viability and so it’s worth it to them to put the level of resources that they’ve committed as evidenced by this document towards trying to pick off enough Republicans to try to save all or parts of the Biden administration’s radical green agenda.

“When your whole business model is dependent upon the government, naturally you are going to do whatever it takes to hold onto your gains and try to minimize your losses when an administration changes hands as they clearly anticipate this November.”

You can see the full document on SCRIBD (click here to view the full document).

Trump has made it quite clear that if he takes office, there are various sections of the IRA that he will try to repeal right away.

With Biden in office, the money is flowing, and organizations like ACP will use that money not for green energy, but to protect the industry against Republicans.

I just cannot help but wonder where the green energy movement would be if the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on lobbyists every year actually went into the development of green energy instead of agendas like the one ACP has now.

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