February 23, 2024

Emhoff Opens Up About Marriage to Kamala Harris, Likening It to TV Show ‘VEEP’

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff more than likely thought he was being funny when he was a guest on “Watch What Happens.”

The host of the Bravo show, Andy Cohen, asked Emhoff if he had ever watched the show “Veep” on HBO.

Emhoff responded that they were “living” the show in real life, which drew the expected laughs, but he was actually digging at his own wife and did not realize it.


Now, if you have never seen the show, it is a fictional comedy based on the career of Selina Meyer, played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

She starts out as a Senator, then is added to a presidential ticket that wins, ultimately rising to be the president of the United States.

Meyer, however, is pretty much a bumbling idiot, fumbling her way through constant missteps.

She has plenty of public gaffes, berates her staff behind the scenes, and gives plenty of speeches that make no sense at all.

That brings us to Kamala Harris, who was added to Joe Biden’s ticket to attract more women and minorities, who reportedly berates her staff behind the scenes, and when speaking publicly, she either breaks down into a cackling fit of laughter or serves up a word salad, sometimes both.

So, when Cohen asked Emhoff if he had ever seen the show and he responded, “We’re living it,” it was not exactly a compliment for Kamala…

What you don’t see in that clip is Emhoff brushing off the question about the reported tense relationship between Joe and Jill Biden with Kamala Harris.

He also managed to suck up to Joe and Jill Biden, stating that he thinks Jill Biden is “awesome” and that she is his favorite Second Lady to have ever served in an administration.

Believe it or not, when asked about his role as Second Gentlemen, he stated that Karen Pence, the wife of Trump VP Mike Pence, gave him some advice when Biden and Harris were elected to office.

He stated, “There is only so few people you can talk to about being in the role. And she was one of them. She was very helpful.”

Mike Pence is already a target of MAGA, so I am sure that little tidbit will not garner Pence any favors with them.

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