January 14, 2024

Elise Stefanik Floated As Potential Trump VP Pick

There's a name out there that had pretty much never been mentioned before in the context of vice-presidential picks, and all of a sudden, it seems to be among a group of favorites to be on Trump's ticket.

That name is Elise Stefanik.

One rather back-alley website,, has offered a dubious suspicion as to why Stefanik is now a favorite to become Donald Trump's running mate.

The folks there are saying that Rep. Stefanik (R-NY) "won't commit to certifying the 2024 election results."

So, the logic is that Trump is going to put Stefanik on the ticket, and she is going to refuse to certify a loss for their team if Biden wins.

I personally think that Stefanik might be a decent pick for vice president, but not for the reasons this liberal publication suggests.

Stefanik is a Republican in New York. That means she is a Republican in the toughest state in which the GOP operates. If she can stand up for Republicans in New York, then that is a good sign that she could stand up for Republicans in D.C. as well.

What said is that Stefanik refused to certify the 2024 election, but that was a lie.

Stefanik said that she would certify the election with no issues and regardless of results IF IT WAS A LEGAL ELECTION.

All she refused to do was certify the results of an election in which somebody had blatantly cheated.

Personally, that is EXACTLY what I would want the politicians representing me to say.

That is why I could see Stefanik being Trump's vice president, NOT because she would refuse to certify a Trump loss, as suggested.

Trump has still yet to announce his pick for VP, but what would you think if it ends up being Stefanik?

Let us know in the comments section below.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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