January 12, 2024

Doocy Asked KJP Why Biden Has ‘Been kept from public view’

Peter Doocy is back in form at the White House and he had White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre spinning.

Since Joe Biden has been back from his latest vacation, he has barely been seen.

He did his big campaign speech on January 5, then made a quick trip on Monday, but after that, he was nowhere to be found, and Doocy put KJP on the spot.

He’s Around

Biden has not had a public appearance in three days, and Doocy went right after Jean-Pierre to find out why.

Doocy asked, “President Biden has not had any events at the White House in the new year and he’s been kept out of public view for three full days now, why?

Jean-Pierre responded, “The president had a three-day swing, and went to four states in the new year.

“He went to, actually I should say just recently, he went to [Valley Forge] Pennsylvania where he gave a very impactful, important remarks on our democracy, protecting our democracy on the eve ahead of January 6, what we saw in 2021 on January 6 was an attack on our democracy and he went out there and he spoke to the American people.

“It was very well received and this is something that he’s gonna continue to do.”

Doocy did not let her off that easy, stating again that it had been three full days since anyone had even seen Biden, adding, “Who decided that that the American people are best served by seeing less of the president?”

KJP fired up the spin machine again, stating, “I would disagree, I wouldn’t say they saw less of the president. He was out there, again, a couple of states in three days. I think that’s important to note as well, and give the American people the full information here.”

We all know why this is happening and we all saw Jill Biden have to come in and lead Joe off the stage when he was in PA for his speech.

Biden is low energy, and the man needs days to recover from any activity, which is something that will be a big focus after the primaries are over.

Just sit back and watch to see how often Jill fills in for Joe on campaign events and how little Joe Biden actually gets out there. Then watch how the White House tries to spin it, just as KJP did when Doocy backed her into a corner.

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