October 11, 2023

Donald Trump Predicts Ron DeSantis Will Drop Out Soon

Donald Trump is tapping into his crystal ball again.

Trump continues to pound DeSantis, this time saying that he thinks DeSantis' days are numbered and he will soon drop out.

I think Trump got this one wrong.

Falling Rock

I have already stated numerous times that I think DeSantis' biggest mistake of this election was not announcing soon enough.

I understand why he did what he did, but not jumping in when he had all the momentum caused his campaign to slip into oblivion.

Having said that, I still think DeSantis has a path, especially if he and Nikki Haley make a deal.

However, Trump is trying to get a rise out of him, so he took a shot at him on Truth Social, stating, "Ron DeSanctimonious has the Poll numbers of a wounded bird falling from the sky. I am up on him by 57 points, and going higher.

"He has proven to be a terrible and inept candidate who even fought Social Security and MediCare. He will SOON be out of money and dropping out of the race for President. After having single handidly gotten him elected Governor, with no thanks or glory, it has been a beautiful thing to watch. Good luck Ron!"

Trump's summary of how that election went down is a bit twisted, but he did endorse him and DeSantis did get a bump from that endorsement. Trump also helped in the general.

Having said that, DeSantis has, on multiple occasions, publicly thanked Trump for the endorsement, which Trump says did not happen.

DeSantis was also a major supporter of Trump's when he was in office.

Trump has also taken credit for Florida going red, which was all DeSantis. Trump has called DeSantis an average governor at best, which is utterly ludicrous.

Is Trump worried about DeSantis in a crowded field? Absolutely not, and he should not be.

If this field stays packed going into South Carolina and Super Tuesday, the race will be over, but I don't think that will be the case.

Scott and Christie will most certainly drop out and get behind a candidate, more than likely DeSantis (unless Trump taps Scott as his VP).

Then the only question is if Nikki Haley wants to ruin DeSantis or give him a boost.

If she partners up with DeSantis before South Carolina, this race gets turned on its ear.

I am not saying that DeSantis would beat Trump in any one state, but the races would be close and since they are all proportional states, it would still be a very close race heading into Super Tuesday.

There is still a LOT of time left, and with everything that Trump has on his plate, a lot can happen.

All I know is I am really looking forward to this battle playing itself out.

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