February 27, 2024

Donald Trump Jr. Receives Death Threat with Mystery White Powder

Donald Trump Jr. had a rather interesting day on Monday.

Trump’s namesake woke up to find that a letter with a mysterious white powder had been delivered to his home.

Local authorities and a HAZMAT team were then sent to his Florida residence to investigate.

Uh Oh…

This is now the second time that Trump Jr. has received a letter like this.

The first time it was delivered, his then-wife had opened the letter within reach of their children, so he was clearly worried about it.

After receiving the letter, Trump Jr. stated, “It’s just become a little bit too commonplace that this sort of stuff happens.

“Clearly, if this happened to a prominent Democrat it wouldn’t be tolerated and would drive news coverage for weeks. The media would blame all Republicans and force them to answer for it, But since it’s me, radical haters on the left will largely get a free pass and the media will barely flinch.”

That was not the case, however, as just about every mainstream media outlet and most alt-media outlets covered the story.

Jr. continued, “It doesn’t matter what your politics are, this type of crap is unacceptable.

“This is actually the second white powder substance envelope that’s been mailed to me. The last time we had this happen, it was during my father’s presidency and my then-wife opened it up with my kids by her side.

“So, it’s just sad that we live in a society where politics and the left’s hatred of my father would drive people to do such crazy things, but that’s where we are unfortunately.”

The letter that was allegedly included with the powder was not very nice, to say the least.

After a slew of insults were levied, the letter concluded with, “It’s time for Mary [Trump] to hear Donald and his family have gone up in smoke when the “Trump”  plane dives into the Atlantic Ocean.”

The white powder was tested, with a spokesperson for Trump Jr. stating, “The test results of the substance came up inconclusive on what it was exactly, but officials on the scene do not believe it is deadly.”

This environment will, sadly, not get any better anytime soon.

If Trump wins the nomination, which is about a lock at this point, I would expect hostilities on both sides to get elevated for not only a repeat of the 2016 cycle but something far worse.

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