December 12, 2023

DOJ Says NH Man Plotted to Kill Vivek Ramaswamy

When you stir the pot, the crazies start to come out of the woodwork, and we know one thing for sure... Vivek Ramaswamy loves to stir the pot.

As such, he has upset someone who was apparently plotting to kill him.

Authorities have taken Tyler Anderson, 30, of Dover, New Hampshire, into custody in charges related to threats against Ramaswamy.

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It has become the norm that campaigns get phone numbers of party voters, then blast out messages for donations or tout local events.

That latter was the case for Ramaswamy’s campaign, and Anderson did not exactly respond kindly.

The report stated that he responded to the text, "Great, another opportunity for me to blow his brains out!" and "I’m going to kill everyone who attends and then f--- their corpses."

When Ramaswamy was asked about the incident, he responded, "I'm grateful to law enforcement for responding as rapidly and as effectively as they did.

"I'm grateful for the team that's around us and they've been doing a great job in making sure that I'm kept safe.

"Between retired police officers and ex-military and otherwise, I feel very secure in the position we're in."

If found guilty, Anderson could do up to five years in prison, three years supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.

Ramaswamy has been controversial from the start, pitching different conspiracy theories while at the same time appearing to be an operative to help Donald Trump.

It is not exactly a surprise that he has upset people, but I am shocked to see someone take him that seriously as to risk their own freedom to go after him.

I have believed all along that Ramaswamy is a snake in the grass, changing his platform as the wind blows to get the most attention.

Even so, he had gained considerable traction in the MAGA circle until Sean Hannity utterly destroyed him in an interview.

Since then, however, other Trump operatives, such as Laura Loomer, have been building him back up and his name is once again being mentioned as a possible Trump cabinet member.

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