May 31, 2024

Disgraced FBI Agent Settled Lawsuit with DOJ

If you ever needed proof of how corrupt this DOJ is, look no further than the case of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

If you recall, there were, as Trump called them, the “lovebirds” who worked for the FBI on the Russian collusion investigation but were found to not only be having an affair, but constantly making disparaging comments about Trump.

After both were let go by the FBI, both sued, and Lisa Page has apparently already settled her suit.

Behind Bars

If you ask me, both of these people should be behind bars, not getting a settlement from the government, but that is what Merrick Garland appears to have arranged.

Page sued for all kinds of goodies, such as attorney fees, daycare, data-privacy protection, and transportation costs for being called to the Hill to testify.

She claims publicizing her messages was a violation of the Federal Privacy Act.

Strzok was suing on similar grounds, claiming his texts should have been protected by the First Amendment, even though he was sending these messages on an agency phone.

While Strzok’s case is still pending, the DOJ has reportedly reached a settlement with Page.

The details have not yet been posted because the deal is not official until it has been approved by a judge.

This, to me, is a complete and utter joke.

These people were activists who despised Trump and were leading an investigation where they had predetermined the outcome, and they are actually going to get rewarded for doing so.

As I have said before… the system is broken, my friends, and at this point, I am just not sure how we fix it.

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