March 1, 2024

Director Wray: FBI Moving Fast to Protect Election

With Trump now all but guaranteed the nomination in the GOP, you better believe the rumors of Russian interference in our elections are going to go wild.

FBI Director Wray added a little fuel to that fire this week.

On Thursday, Wray stated that with new advances in AI, the threats against our elections are stronger than ever.

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So, before I get into all of this, let’s be clear about elections around the world… everyone tries to influence elections, including the United States.

The Russians have been trying to hack our elections since the days of Ronald Reagan, if not before.

China has also tried, and the United States is not innocent in all of this either.

United States interfering in foreign elections goes back to at least 1948, when the United States influenced elections in Korea and Italy.

In Korea, the United States had planned to hold separate elections to be held south of the peninsula, while in Italy, President Harry Truman funneled millions of dollars into the election via the Christian Democracy Party to prevent the FDP from winning the election.

There are dozens of international elections where if other countries did what the United States did, our elected officials would be bouncing off the walls.

While countries have always tried to hack into our elections, overall, they have never been successful, and we never heard a word about it until the bad orange man came into the picture.

So, with Trump the likely nominee, everyone is talking about foreign influence in our elections again.

To that point, FBI Director Wray issued a warning about it this week, stating, “The U.S. has confronted foreign malign influence threats in the past.

“But this election cycle, the U.S. will face more adversaries, moving at a faster pace, and enabled by new technology.”

The one thing that was different this time around is that Wray is recommending more transparency in real-time as these efforts are exposed.

He stated, “As intelligence professionals, we’ve got to highlight threats in specific, evidence-based ways so that we’re usefully arming our partners and, in particular, the public against the kinds of foreign influence operations they’re likely to confront.”

This is all setting the table for a hot mess again if Trump wins the election.

Wray just gave Democrats the excuse they needed to undermine a win by Trump, as well as a reason to start more time and money-wasting investigations so they can try to impeach Trump again if they have control of the House and Senate.

If you thought 2016 to 2020 was a wild ride, wait till you see what they have planned for a Trump presidency in 2025.

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