December 3, 2024

Did Hunter Know He Would Be Pardoned?

This weekend, Joe Biden did what most believed was in the works from the first day he took office.

Joe pardoned his son, Hunter Biden, in the two federal cases that were brought against him.

Hunter had been found guilty in one case while pleading out the second.

Did He Know?

On July 31, 2024, Hunter was spotted coming out of a restaurant in Malibu.

At the time, there was nothing really made of the video as it was only a 30-second clip, and Hunter was gone after not really saying too much.

However, seeing the video now, there are some big questions being raised.

Watch this video, then we can break it down…

As you heard, the journalist was asking Hunter if he was “expecting” a pardon.

When the question was asked, Hunter had an obvious smirk on his face without commenting, which now has people wondering if Hunter knew from the get-go that Daddy would be there to bail him out again.

This would also make sense as to why Hunter had already pleaded guilty in the tax case.

If he knew the pardon was coming, he would just plead out, get it over with, and have his dad pardon him on his way out the door.

Many are wondering why Joe pardoned Hunter now rather than waiting until his last day or even hoping that Trump would pardon his son.

Keep in mind, Hunter’s sentencing hearing was scheduled for December 16. On the off chance the judge decided to send Hunter to jail, possibly requiring him to immediately report, this avoids Hunter even seeing the inside of a jail cell.

Nobody is above the law… something we hear from Democrats all the time.

Well, that holds true for everyone except the rich, powerful, and connected in this country.

For the rest of us, we look at someone the wrong way, and we end up behind bars.

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