February 21, 2024

Despite Numerous Precautions, Biden Stumbles Up Air Force One Steps

Anyone can stumble… even I have fallen both up and down steps a few times in my life.

They are exceptions, however, not the norm.

Joe Biden continues to struggle climbing up the steps, and almost fell twice, clearly struggling even on the smaller steps and with numerous precautions put in place to help him.

Stumbling, Bumbling Biden

If you have watched Joe Biden board Air Force One at any time over the last few months, you would have noticed that there have been some changes.

Biden has been wearing sneakers a lot more, even when he is in a suit, and especially during rainy weather. This is to avoid slipping on the steps.

Additionally, Biden has been using the lower steps, which are about half the size of the steps that enter the upper cabin of Air Force One.

The thinking there was that if Biden had fewer steps and ones that were not quite as steep, he could make the walk easier.

Finally, there is now a Secret Service agent present at the base of the steps, apparently there to catch Joe Biden just in case he falls.

Even with all those measures, however, Joe is still stumbling…

As long as Joe Biden keeps falling, this will continue to be a story.

The man is slurring his speech, he is very forgetful, and he shuffles his feet when walking, all of which as signs of dementia, yet Jill Biden and Democrats insist this man is okay.

They are not doing Joe Biden or this country any favors by denying the obvious.

With another four years on the block, this is no longer funny, and Biden should be required to take a cognitive exam to prove he is not going down that rabbit hole.

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