June 9, 2024

Despite denials, White House involved in Trump prosecutions: Report

President Joe Biden is GUILTY.

Despite denials of involvement on the part of the Biden administration in the pursuit former President Donald Trump, we now have the proof that officials DID indeed take part.

According to Politico, Joe Biden “has grumbled to aides and advisers that had [Attorney General Merrick] Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded.”


Does that sound like a statement about an administration that was NOT involved?

It does not to us!

It is just another example of Biden and members of his administration believing they are above the law.

Biden wants things done his way, and the rules only apply when they benefit him, his administration, or a member of his crooked family.

It is obvious that Biden has let his personal feelings get in the way when it comes to Trump.

He does not want what is fair or just.

Biden’s only concern is revenge.

The president has openly talked about how strong his distaste for Trump is, and it isn’t surprising to read the lines reported by Politico.

If there’s one takeaway from this, it is that the upcoming presidential debates are sure to be ruthless and filled with fire.

Biden and Trump are set to hold their first debate on June 27.

As the Intelligencer notes, this will be the first presidential rematch in more than 100 years!

With Biden’s obvious cognitive decline and Trump’s recent conviction, there are sure to be punches thrown.

Regardless of if you support Trump or not, America cannot withstand another four years of mismanagement from the Biden administration.

Just like the rest of America, Trump is well aware of that fact.

Who do you think will win the first debate?

Let us know in the comments below.

To read more information about the details of this story, please consider clicking on the link to the original source here.

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