December 4, 2023

DeSantis SuperPAC Interim CEO Ousted After 9 Days

The Ron DeSantis presidential campaign continues to struggle.

Reports broke over the weekend that Kristin Davison, the interim CEO of the DeSantis PAC, Never Back Down, is out after only nine days.

She took over after the former CEO, Chris Jankowski, stepped down at the end of November.


This is just a really bad look for DeSantis who is making Trump’s prediction that DeSantis had no idea how to run a national campaign come true.

I believe DeSantis waited too long to announce, or, at the very least, too long to strike back at the attacks that Donald Trump was levying.

I understand why he wanted to wait, but considering the circumstances, it cost him every bit of momentum he had, and then there was that disastrous X launch that was loaded with technical difficulties.

From that point, there were rumors of infighting over the messaging that was going out. To make matters worse, the campaign was also reportedly having money issues.

DeSantis also recently lost former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt (R), who resigned as campaign board chairman on November 26.

All of this dysfunction has led to donors bailing on DeSantis, the most recent being Charles Koch and his American for Prosperity Action, the political arm of Americans for Prosperity (AFP), which had endorsed Nikki Haley for president.

After the endorsement by AFP, the DeSantis camp scolded Koch for effectively endorsing Trump.

DeSantis campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo stated, “Congratulations to Donald Trump on securing the Koch endorsement. Like clockwork, the pro-open borders, pro-jail break bill establishment is lining up behind a moderate who has no mathematical pathway of defeating the former president.

“Every dollar spent on Nikki Haley’s candidacy should be reported as an in-kind to the Trump campaign. No one has a stronger record of beating the establishment than Ron DeSantis, and this time will be no different.”

Other than a small blip where I thought Haley and DeSantis might team up and take Trump on together, I have maintained that I thought Haley was a Trump operative in this for no other reason than to steal support away from DeSantis, especially in South Carolina.

As it stands right now, if Haley remains in, there is just no way that DeSantis can secure enough delegates to defeat Trump.

We will have a better feel after early voting, but as things stand, it looks like DeSantis’ campaign will be over after Super Tuesday unless something monumental happens to shake up this primary race.

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