January 16, 2024

DeSantis Says He'll Continue Campaign Despite Iowa Loss

Republican presidential contender and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis disclosed the trajectory of his campaign on Monday in the event of a lower-than-expected placement in the Iowa caucus.

Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley secured the second spot among Iowans in a Saturday poll, surpassing DeSantis by 4 points. With DeSantis trailing in the final survey before the Iowa caucus, speculation arose about the potential outcomes if he were to place third.

An MSNBC reporter questioned, "You are not dropping out of this race tonight or tomorrow, no matter what? Fair?"

DeSantis responded, "No, we are going on. We’ve been built for the long haul. It is all about the accumulation of delegates."

The reporter pressed further, "Even if you come in third place tonight, there is no chance your campaign is dropping out? Is that what you are saying?"

"We’re in it for the long haul. We’re going to do well. I know the media likes to do the speculation. I’m excited for the votes to come in because that will be the first real data point," DeSantis replied before MSNBC changed the segment.

According to the Des Moines Register/NBC News/MediaCom poll, former President Donald Trump maintained a commanding lead ahead of the Iowa caucus, with 48 percent of state voters choosing him as their first pick for president.

Trump would go on to win big in Iowa, securing approximately 70% of the vote. DeSantis gained about 15% of the vote, defeating Haley for a distant second to the former president.

Sixty-eight percent of respondents have already made their decision, while 25 percent remain open to persuasion by candidates.

Despite harsh winter weather in Iowa, with temperatures around 2 degrees on Monday, 62 percent of DeSantis supporters expressed a definite intention to attend the caucus.

In this category, DeSantis leads other candidates, with 56 percent of Trump supporters and 51 percent of Haley voters indicating their commitment to turn out despite the challenging weather conditions.

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