January 6, 2024

DeSantis Only Names Iowa When Asked Which States He Can Win

GOP candidate and governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, very well may be struggling in his quest for the Republican nomination.

During a recent interview with NBC, interviewer Dasha Burns accused DeSantis of relying too much on his Iowa supporters.

“You put all your eggs in the Iowa basket,” Burns said.

DeSantis immediately rebutted.

“That is not true. That is not true,” DeSantis said adamantly.

Burns went on to ask DeSantis if he could name just one other state he believed he would win in during the upcoming primary elections.

What did DeSantis have to say?

“Yes, yes wait until what happens when we get out of Iowa,” he said.

Why won’t he give Burns a straight answer?

When Burns asked DeSantis if he believed he could win New Hampshire, DeSantis side-stepped the question again, refusing to provide the yes or no answer Burns was looking for.

“We have a lot of great organizations throughout Super Tuesday. You are going to see this as very dynamic. You are going to see it is a long process. We are going to be able to win so stay tuned. But to say that we have put all the eggs is not true. We have great organizations and field programs in the early sates and we are going to compete in all of them,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis has also shot himself in the foot a bit in the sense that he has openly stated he absolutely will not accept a vice-presidential offer from former President Donald Trump if Trump wins the Republican nomination.

If DeSantis loses in the primaries, it is the end of the line for him.

Could DeSantis’ reluctance to name another state be related to the fact that he knows he is in for a rough time in the upcoming primary battles?

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