October 9, 2023

Ron DeSantis Blames Hillary for Political Division in United States

Ron DeSantis' campaign may have gotten off to a rough start, but he sure is making up for lost time.

Over the last month, DeSantis has been on the attack, looking to take down anyone who will stand in his way of a nomination.

The most recent target was Hillary Clinton, who recently had a Deplorables 2.0 interview.

You Are to Blame

Hillary has never been able to swallow the fact that she lost to Donald Trump in 2016. I think the fact that Joe Biden hid in his basement and beat Trump in 2020 is making that loss even harder to swallow.

She still tries to stay relevant, however, popping her head up out of the sand for the occasional interview just to let everyone know she is still breathing.

During her most recent interview, Hillary pushed this latest narrative by Democrats and the mainstream media that MAGA Republicans need to be "reprogrammed," as if we live in a communist state.

DeSantis came out firing after the comment.

He stated, "That is deplorable.

"I mean, she is a part of the reason why this country is so divided. I mean, to attack people that support a candidate just because you couldn't get the job done, and you're still bitter about that."

He added, "But we need to stop casting aspersions on people that disagree with us. Look, people who support the former president are patriotic Americans. I think he's got a good following."

Ron DeSantis knows that his campaign struggled early, and deep down, he knows he waited far too long to announce.

He had all the momentum after the 2022 election cycle, and he allowed that to disappear while at the same time allowing Trump to fire unanswered shots at him for months.

I still say DeSantis needs to get this race down to a head-to-head battle with Trump if he has any shot of eating into that massive lead that Trump now has against him.

If I were DeSantis, I would be working out a deal right now with Nikki Haley to put her on the ticket as his VP before they get to South Carolina. If DeSantis does that, he could take at least one of the early states and I think he would be a lock to take South Carolina with the Haley partnership.

The question then is if Haley would be willing to settle for the number two spot now or if she wants to continue on, knowing that every day she is in the race she is actually helping Trump.

This is going to make for a wild early primary race.

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