October 14, 2023

DeSantis and Haley vie for second place behind Trump in 2024

Due to former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's surge in popularity, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis no longer holds sole possession of second place in the Republican presidential nomination race, as Fox News reported.

Haley, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, gave an interview to Fox News in New Hampshire, in which she discussed her climbing poll ratings and stated, "We do have donor interest wanting to help us."

The former two-term governor of South Carolina, who later served as ambassador to the United Nations in the administration of then-President Donald Trump, has been making strides in the battle for the Republican nomination for president in 2024.

Current Standing

While Trump continues to hold a commanding lead in the campaign for the Republican nomination for president, Haley has seen her poll ratings climb both nationally and in the important early voting states.

This is in part due to Haley's two well-regarded performances in the first two debates for the Republican nomination for president.

"We can feel the momentum on the ground," Haley said in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital on Thursday following a town hall in Rochester, New Hampshire.

In the past month, support for Haley among Republican primary voters has increased from 5% to 10%, according to a new national poll conducted by Fox News and published this week.

Polling Results

After Trump's staggering 59% and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' 13%, Haley came in at a distant third place in the polls.

The most recent polls in Iowa, which is the first state to have a caucus on the Republican calendar, show that DeSantis is still in second place.

But Haley is now in second place in some of the most recent polls in both New Hampshire, which conducts the first Republican presidential primary and votes second overall, as well as in her home state of South Carolina, which holds the first Southern contest and votes fourth.

Both of these states are in the voting order for the second spot overall, and until the recent uptick for Haley, DeSantis has been firmly holding his spot in second place.

"We can feel it in Iowa. We can feel it in New Hampshire. We can feel it in South Carolina," Haley said, pointing to her momentum.

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