January 19, 2024

DeSantis Abandons New Hampshire, Shifts Focus to South Carolina

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis addressed voters in New Hampshire, seeking support ahead of the state's Republican presidential primary.

DeSantis urged voters to back him in the upcoming primary while facing the challenge of a distant second-place finish in Iowa behind former President Trump.

The DeSantis campaign is relocating most of its staff from Iowa to South Carolina, signaling a shift in focus.

Despite narrowly surpassing former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley in Iowa, DeSantis recognized the challenging landscape in New Hampshire, where polls indicated his lower standing.

With a primary constituency favoring moderates and independent voters playing a crucial role, DeSantis decided to concentrate efforts in the more conservative South Carolina, which holds the first southern contest on Feb. 24.

The move is strategic, aiming to challenge Haley on her home turf and position DeSantis as a strong contender in the Republican race.

DeSantis' campaign communications director, Andrew Romeo, emphasized the focus on South Carolina, stating that defeating Haley there would make it a two-person race.

While not completely abandoning New Hampshire, DeSantis' team acknowledges the importance of South Carolina in shaping the nomination race.

DeSantis plans to return to New Hampshire for multiple stops on Friday before campaigning in South Carolina over the weekend.

The move aligns with the campaign's strategy, balancing efforts in both states while recognizing the significance of South Carolina in the overall narrative.

Despite some staffing adjustments and an altered focus, DeSantis refrains from publicly writing off New Hampshire, maintaining a presence ahead of the primary. His early focus to South Carolina, however, reveals he has likely given up in the state and hopes for a miracle against both Trump and Haley, who will be competing in her home state.

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