February 19, 2024

Dershowitz: James Should Be Brought Before Bar

There have been allegations brought up against several of the prosecutors going after Donald Trump.

The two that are getting the most attention are Fulton County DA Fani Willis and New York Attorney General Letitia James.

James, who ran on a platform mostly to go after Trump, is now being called out by Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz.

Charge Her

Dershowitz appeared on “Hannity” on Fox News to discuss the recent judgment in New York against Donald Trump.

Judge Engoron banned Trump from being able to do business in New York for three years as well as handing out more than $350 million in the judgment against Trump.

Dershowitz stated that he believed James should be brought before the bar because of her campaign promise.

When asked about the title of his book, “Get Trump,” he stated, “I didn’t make it up.

“I wish I were creative and original, but I got it from obviously Letitia James campaign. She ought to be brought up before the bar. You should not have an elected prosecutor campaigning on the promise to get a particular defendant. Now if she didn’t get him. She would lose the election.

“This is a variation of Stalin and Beria back in the 1930s when the head of the KGB says to Stalin, show me the man, I’ll find you the crime. This is — show me the man, we know who it is.

“She told us who it was, Donald Trump, and we’ll find you the fraud even though there was no harm.”

I read a rather interesting take on this the other day that gave me some pause for thought in this case, one that I always believed that Trump would lose but also have a good chance of winning on appeal.

The question was floored: if someone is caught in a DUI but there was no accident and nobody was harmed, then why are they being charged with a crime?

Technically, that is the “victimless” crime that Dershowitz is opining on here.

Having said all that, I firmly believe that even if the decision is not overturned, that fine will be reduced significantly during the appeals process.

We have seen crimes like this before, but the penalties are often far less than was given to Trump in this case, especially in regard to suspending his business license in New York for three years.

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