October 29, 2023

Derek Chauvin Attorney Trying To Get Case To Supreme Court

Derek Chauvin's attorney thinks he knows the very next place that his client's case should be heard:

The United States Supreme Court.

The man who was found guilty of murdering George Floyd, a drug dealer from Minnesota with multiple prior arrests, thinks that he should be able to argue his case in front of the highest court in the land, and his lawyer might actually have a pretty good argument as to why.

Attorney William Mohrman, Chauvin's counsel, thinks that Derek NEVER had a shot at a fair trial.

That's because with how politicized the case was becoming, and with how much BLM rioters were being allowed to get away with, there was no way that any juror was going to let their community be burned to the ground for siding with Chauvin, no matter what the evidence suggested.

For some reason, despite locking the rest of the country down, America's liberals had no problem letting American cities be destroyed in the name of Black Lives Matter.

They were rioting, looting, stealing, thieving, and whatever else you can think of, and those on the left were just letting them do it.

People were killed, businesses were burned, entire livelihoods were lost, and the government was doing NOTHING about it.

What juror in their right mind would have sided against George Floyd and risked any of that happening to their own community?

Chauvin's lawyer thinks that is exactly why his client was sentenced to 20 years in prison, not because he deserved it.

Now Chauvin and his team want to argue that in front of the Supreme Court.

I don't blame them.

Do you think that Chauvin and his lawyers will ever get a chance at a fair trial in front of the Supreme Court?

Or is it time for Chauvin to accept that he's going to be behind bars for a while?

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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