October 24, 2023

State Department Official Resigns Over Support for Israel

Last week, a resignation in Joe Biden’s State Department slipped under the radar.

Josh Paul, a senior official in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, has tendered his resignation.

Paul resigned because of military aid being sent to Israel, a sign that should make us all worry about who exactly is working in our government.

Obama Strikes Again

Paul was hired during the Obama administration and remained on through the Trump and Biden administrations.

Paul posted his resignation on LinkedIn. My guess there is that he figured the entire country would give him a job well-done salute for standing up to Israel.

That, however, was not the case. What it did do was raise some serious concerns about Biden and the people who are working in this administration.

Paul wrote, “I made myself a promise that I would stay for as long as I felt the harm I might do could be outweighed by the good I could do. In my 11 years I have made more moral compromises than I can recall, each heavily, but each with my promise to myself in mind, and intact.

“I am leaving today because I believe that in our current course with regards to the continued — indeed, expanded and expedited — provision of lethal arms to Israel — I have reached the end of that bargain.”

The statement continued, “This Administration’s response — and much of Congress’ as well — is an impulsive reaction built on confirmation bias, political convenience, intellectual bankruptcy, and bureaucratic inertia. That is to say, it is immensely disappointing, and entirely unsurprising.”

How can we have so many people working in our government who are not loyal to our biggest ally in the Middle East after having been attacked by a terrorist organization?

Exactly how did Paul expect us to react to this attack?

The vetting in our government is clearly lacking, and I would even go so far as to say that if a Republican wins the race in 2024, we need to completely re-vet every employee.

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