December 31, 2023

Department Of Justice Loses Another Public Corruption Case

On Dec. 26, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit overturned the conviction of former GOP Rep. Jeff Fortenberry for lying to the FBI about illegal campaign contributions.

The panel of three federal judges ruled that the Justice Department wrongly tried the former lawmaker in Los Angeles instead of his home state of Nebraska or in Washington, D.C., where Fortenberry served in Congress.

The overturned decision raises an important question:

How can Americans continue to trust Joe Biden's Department of Justice?

The short answer is that we simply can't.

We can't count on them to be honest, we can't count on them to not lie to us, and we can't count on them to do what's in our best interest.

Joe Biden's Justice Department has destroyed its own credibility with these "corruption" cases that seem to be disproportionately aimed at Republicans.

You really don't need any more proof that the Department of Justice is corrupt than to look at how Hunter Biden is being treated for years of criminal activity compared to how Donald Trump is being treated because liberals want to keep him out of power.

"There is a great deal to be looked at involving public corruption cases at the DOJ," said former U.S. Attorney Joe diGenova. "The Department has a checkered history with these cases and the Public Integrity Section has come under scrutiny. The Fortenberry case is an example of bad judgement, if not political maneuvering. It should never have been brought where it was brought."

America's Department of Justice COMPLETELY mishandled this case, and there's no doubt about that.

What is in doubt, though, is whether officials intentionally mishandled the case because they're corrupt, or they unintentionally mishandled the case because they're incompetent.

Neither is a good look, and both mean the same thing.

There needs to be wholesale CHANGE at the Department of Justice.

To read more about this story, click on the source here.

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