April 4, 2024

Dems Upset Nebraska May Change Electoral Process

In virtually every state in the country, the electoral vote is a winner-take-all venture.

One state that differs is Nebraska, where a presidential candidate can still lose the state but win an electoral vote by winning a specific district.

Trump and Republicans are now pushing for the entire state’s electoral allotment to be awarded to the candidate who wins the statewide vote.

Could Be Important

This has not happened often, but it does happen.

For instance, in the 2008 election, Barack Obama won a single vote in Nebraska, as did Joe Biden in 2020, winning District 2.

One vote does not seem like a lot, but when you are talking about Trump v. Biden 2.0, it could come down to one vote, as Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk explained in a post on X this week.

Kirk posted, “Suppose Donald Trump flips Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada next fall, as current polls all show him doing. Would he win the presidency?

“Not quite. In fact, if Trump flips those three states and no others, he loses by exactly ONE electoral vote Why? Nebraska.”

There is currently legislation in the works to put Nebraska on par with the rest of the country, and that legislation is supported by Governor Jim Pillen, a Republican.

The outrage over the possible change by Democrats was immediate, with former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina sounding the alarm.

One panel member stated, “If that changes and we don’t know that it will — it’s, the state legislature is gonna look at it — but if that changes, that takes away Biden’s best path to win because if you get — if he wins Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, then loses the other swing states and no longer picks up the one in, Nebraska 269.”

Messina responded, “I think this is what the modern Republican Party has become, now changing the rules in the middle of trying to benefit themselves.”

That is a pretty rich statement coming from a Democrat, who literally changed voting laws in states without going through state legislatures in the 2020 election, all policies that clearly helped Joe Biden win the election from his basement.

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