May 22, 2024

Dems pressuring FDIC chief to resign

Despite previously standing before the country and telling everyone how anyone who was disrespectful to the media or staffers would be terminated on the spot, President Joe Biden appears to have violated his own rule regarding how individuals working with the government should be treated.

The Biden administration has been filled with stories of toxic work cultures, and we have all seen how his staffers treat the media, as reported by Fox News.

Now there is yet another complaint, this time against FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg, which has gotten so bad, even Democrats are calling to have him replaced.

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The effort to remove Gruenberg is being led by Senate Banking Committee Chair Sherrod Brown (D-OH).

Brown is demanding that Biden remove him from his post and appoint someone "who must fix the agency’s toxic culture and put the women and men who work there – and their mission – first."

He added, "That’s why I’m calling on the President to immediately nominate a new Chair who can lead the FDIC at this challenging time and for the Senate to act on that nomination without delay.”

Gruenberg's History

Gruenberg has more or less been in this role starting in 2006, when he was named Acting Chair by George W. Bush.

Then, he served as the Acting Chair under Obama, eventually getting the position in November 2012 and leaving office in June 2018.

Biden brought him back in February 2022 as the Acting Chair, assuming full office in January 2023.

The problems for Gruenberg started in November when the Wall Street Journal did an extensive piece on him and the toxic culture within the agency, which included numerous allegations of a hostile work environment and sexual harassment.

Call for Change

Brown, who is a huge battel to keep his seat, stating, "After chairing last week’s hearing, reviewing the independent report, and receiving further outreach from FDIC employees to the Banking and Housing Committee, I am left with one conclusion: there must be fundamental changes at the FDIC.”

If you notice, however, with all the horrible things Brown said about Gruenberg, he has not called for his outright resignation, and that is because it will leave Travis Hill, the Vice Chair, who also happens to be a Republican, as the leader of the agency until a replacement could be named.

For all their outrage, Democrats refuse to do the right thing because of politics, which tells you all you need to know about the state of Congress these days.

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