Dems Freaking Out Over Biden Being on Stage with Trump During Debate
Next week, everything will be on the line for Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
The first debate will take place on CNN, and it could decide who has the momentum heading into election day.
Even though Biden has had a nice surge of late, Dems are getting sweaty hands over the idea of Joe Biden facing off against Trump with no backup.
Getting Nervous
This panic started after the debate date was announced.
Speaking to Politico anonymously, one Democrat operative stated, “You don’t want to be that guy who is on the record saying we’re doomed, or the campaign’s bad or Biden’s making mistakes. Nobody wants to be that guy.”
Then came the rhetoric, adding, “This isn’t, ‘Oh my God, Mitt Romney might become president.’ It’s ‘Oh my God, the democracy might end.’”
The democracy (which is better defined as a constitutional federal republic or a federal democratic republic) has far too many safeguards for anyone to turn this into a form of dictatorship, as Democrats continue to say.
It is insulting, actually, and only looks to fearmonger those in this country who really have no clue how our government is constructed or functions.
The panic is real among Democrats, with another adviser stating, “The list of why we ‘could’ win is so small I don’t even need to keep the list on my phone.”
Then there is this recent report citing a report in Axios…
Biden will have an advantage in that Trump cannot talk about his court cases, but he is also at a disadvantage because he will be out there without a safety net.
As they said in that report, expect Biden to be in hiding over the next week, which should serve as a warning to the American people just how unfit Biden is for office.
Trump has to get Biden off his game, get him stammering and freezing, as well as getting Biden to lose his temper, which could sink him.
This is it, literally, for Trump. He not only has to beat Biden in this debate, but he also has to destroy him. There can be no argument in the eyes of the American people who won the debate, even though regardless of how it plays out, the media will say that Biden won.